Castle and Village of Trevinano

Trevinano is a hill town belonging to the municipality of Acquapendente, located right on the border between Lazio and Tuscany. The first document that bears the name Trevinano dates back to January 1073 and is an act of donation to the monastery of the SS. Salvatore on Mount Amiata. What makes the village even more characteristic is the castle. The scarce news on the Trevinano castle dates back to the mid-twelfth century, a period tormented by frequent clashes between the Aquesians and the Orvietans. A fundamental date is certainly 1187, when a treaty of peace, stipulated between the cities of Acquapendente and Orvieto, grants the village of Trevinano to the Visconti di Campiglia, descendants of the Aldobrandeschi family. Currently the castle is owned by the Boncompagni-Ludovisi, who, however were never lords of Trevinano, since in fact they inherited the castle from the female line from the Bourbon del Monte family, the last feudal lords of Trevinano. In 1643 the castle had already been transformed into a palace with two bulwark corner towers, still present and visible today.

Other noteworthy buildings are the parish church and the two churches of the Madonna della Quercia and San Rocco, both outside the town.

One of Trevinano’s distinctive features is its panoramic position which dominates a landscape still intact and of great beauty.

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© Comune di Acquapendente (VT)
Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio, 17 – CAP 01021

Contatti: Tel.: +39 0763 7309 [centralino]
Codice univoco IPA: UF1HPY