Chiesa e Chiostro di San Francesco

Monsignor Aldobrandini consecrated the Franciscan church of Santa Maria, later known as the Church of San Francesco, in 1149.  It was part of a monastery until a few decades ago inhabited by the friars of minor conventuals. Access to the church is via a large portal whose frame is made of white and pink stone and ends in a tri-lobed arch that contains a quite legible fresco of the Assumption. In the middle, a reinforced concrete rose opens up above the portal. The interior presents a single nave, the large pillars that are on the sides have floral capitals on which rests the large cornice that acts as a support for the vault; the smaller pillars support an arch, creating 6 chapels. The original cloister dates back to the late Middle Ages, the current one, larger than the previous one, dates back to the end of the 16th century. The lunettes are frescoed with scenes from the life of Saint Francis, some of them by Francesco Nasini, a seventeenth-century painter from the nearby Piancastagnaio.

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