Torre Julia de Jacopo

The courageous gesture of the girl, Julia de Jacopo in 1550, who during the attack of the Pitigliano troops of Nicola IV Orsini ran to close the door left open by the soldiers on guard, and saved the city. It was the door of the Holy Sepulcher, or Porta Romana, one of the main entrances of the city, incorporated into the defensive perimeter walls that enclosed the village. An important stage where hundreds of pilgrims returning from the Holy Land used to stop, trade their jewelry, wrap themselves in the sacred atmosphere of the relic kept in the Jerusalem shrine of Europe.

A historical monument of the city, its original nucleus was formed by only the main body now facing the town, a high quadrangular tower used for defense and enemy sighting. During the Renaissance the quadrangular body was cut off and the front body was built with a hexagonal plan, with a walkway, a trap, a sharpshooter, which served as a defensive measure. Today it is the seat of the City Hall, it houses the tourist office and on the upper floor the section of the City Museum dedicated to the precious medieval and Renaissance ceramics found in the excavations of the ancient Aquesian drainage.

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© Comune di Acquapendente (VT)
Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio, 17 – CAP 01021

Contatti: Tel.: +39 0763 7309 [centralino]
Codice univoco IPA: UF1HPY