A real Medieval Village


During the Middle Ages, the city was surrounded by walls, then partly destroyed.
Among the remaining part is the Julia de Jacopo tower, now used as an information center.

From here we can start a real walk in history, reaching the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulcher where there is the crypt of the Holy Sepulcher, the most significant monument to Acquapendente. But also the Bishop’s Palace, the church of Sant’Agostino, the Boni Theater, and even the Church of San Francesco, Palazzo Viscontini, are all monuments that characterize this town. But moving out of the walls, we can admire the majesty of the Castle and the Village of Torre Alfina and, the Castle and Borgo di Trevinano.

Many things to discover walking through the streets of Green Jerusalem, among palaces, castles and sacred places.

© Comune di Acquapendente (VT)
Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio, 17 – CAP 01021

Contatti: Tel.: +39 0763 7309 [centralino]
Codice univoco IPA: UF1HPY